Patrick Moran Picture

Patrick Moran

Legislative Advocate

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Patrick Moran comes with over 20 years of lobbying and legislative experience. He served as Special Consultant to Speaker Herb Wesson and Speaker Fabian Nunez where he worked on public safety, retirement and labor issues.

Prior to joining the Speakers office, Patrick was chief lobbyist for the California State Firefighters' Association (CSFA) where he was responsible for the governmental affairs of the organization, both legislative and political. Patrick also lobbied for the Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC), local governments, the State Association of County Retirement Systems (SACRS) and the California Treasurers and Tax Collectors Association.

As a result of his diverse work experiences, Patrick has worked for Aaron Read & Associates on a variety of issues including, but not limited to; the state budget, labor, retirement, workers compensation, local government and public safety. He has also worked on a variety of candidate campaigns as well as on statewide ballot measures. While not at work, Patrick enjoys spending time with his wife and four kids.